What started as an unsuccessful fundraising pitch by Sarah with the A Woman's Place Is In design led to the creation of Madame Premier as a business.

Sarah Elder-Chamanara
Founded in 2019 and incorporated by Sarah Elder-Chamanara in 2020, Madame Premier is rooted in politics, community-building, feminism and design.
If you are a woman that works in politics, you know what it's like to be the only woman at the table. Or not at the table because your male colleagues helped themselves to seats at the table while you took a seat by the wall. Madame Premier asserts your right not only to sit at the table but to belong at the table.
The Election Collection was the first collection launched in August 2019. Demand for the first collection was overwhelming and Madame Premier became an overnight must-have for politicians, candidates, staffers and politicos.
Madame Premier creates fashionable, gender-neutral clothing for the entire political family. Madame Premier donates to local and national non-profit organizations through design collaborations for specific causes and initiatives. Madame Premier’s flagship store in Calgary is intentionally designed to be a space to help female candidates fundraise and to create capacity for women who are learning about politics as well as those looking to become more knowledgeable in specific advocacy areas.
Madame Premier is a women-owned and operated small business that aims to empower other women through fashion and stimulating dialogue. With the a goal amplifying the lack of women in politics through beautiful clothing with satirical, political and feminist designs, Madame Premier is creating and increasing awareness, starting conversations and moving the dial on increasing representation in politics.
Add women, transform politics.