The Madame Premier Spring Collection is Coming!

A lot of things have changed in the last month. And things are still changing every day. The way the world has adapted to prevent the spread of Covid-19 has been astonishing and yet there is so much more to do and for an unknown length of time. When this first started my approach was to pause Madame Premier not only to give myself and my family time and space to sort out our new normal but for you as well. I didn't want to seem pushy or disrespectful and so I took an extremely cautious approach.
Now, a month into this pandemic, I have realized that I can't keep continue to keep my finger on the pause button. I have to move forward. The Spring Collection is no longer on hold. It will be launching later this month. This is due in part to your response to some of the designs. It has really meant a lot to me. Especially as this is the first collection entirely on my own since taking full control of Madame Premier. But also because I think the world is continuing to move right now and it doesn't mean that I can't hit pause again depending on what happens in days, weeks and perhaps months ahead.
A lot of things are out of our control right now. But what is in our control means more than ever. How we respond in situations, how we talk to people, how we adapt and change our behaviours now and in the future based on this experience. So I want to take back some control and launch the Spring Collection. But it won't look the way I planned.
The models for this shoot were going to be the
most diverse and representative of all levels of government. I am sorry you won't get to see them in this collection but I hope you will in the future. I can't risk asking people to take part given the directions around social distancing and self isolation. So it will just be me and the photographer. You may be thinking that I would be really excited about this but to be honest, I'm not. And depending on what happens, I would like to reshoot this collection in the future with the women who were going to be wearing it originally.
I continue to be blown away by the support you have shown me and the love you have for Madame Premier. The Spring Collection is going to create even more opportunities for us talk about women in politics, women in science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics and so much more.
Thank you for being part of this journey with me.