Madame Premier Covid-19 Update
We are in unprecedented times which is why I am writing to you with a second Covid-19 update.
With the exception of the Limited Edition Madame Premier & Sophie Grace Fundraising T-Shirt, I will no longer be linking to products in posts or sending out any emails unless it's an emergency and the likelihood of you needing an email from Madame Premier in an emergency is so tiny that even the world's best microscope wouldn't see it.
This is not the time for me to be asking you to buy something from Madame Premier. Yes, it is a small business but, like you, I need to focus on my family in how we navigate this together. I appreciate the support of each and every person that supports Madame Premier with a purchase and I will continue to ensure you receive your orders as long as the systems we all depend on remain open. I will continue to keep Madame Premier's social media updated with posts but you will see that any posts that are just a photo have captions that are now focused entirely on advice on self isolation and social distancing based on what we are being told in Alberta by Dr. Hinshaw and federally by Dr. Tam. If you are reading this and are one of those people acting as if nothing has changed, please stop.
Madame Premier will continue to share facts and quotes but posts with photos are for science and fact-based information related to how we can prevent the spread of Covid-19.
In the meantime, stay Political and Feminist AF. Look for beauty in simple moments. Take care of yourself and those at home with you and look out for your neighbours and community. We are in this together and will come out of this together.
Madame Premier