By The Numbers: Gender Inequality By The Numbers for Canadian Prime Minister and Premiers
1: The number of women who have served as prime minister of Canada,
23: The number of men who have served as prime minister of Canada.
13: The number of women who have served as premier of a province or territory in Canada.
271: The number of men who have served as premier of a province or territory in Canada
36: Number of male prime ministers and premiers named John
18: Number of male prime ministers and premiers named William/Bill
To the best of my knowledge, all of this information has never been combined, listed or completed. Now there is a living record clearly showing the gender inequality by the numbers. It is time for there to be more women's names on the list. Period.
Prime Minister
Female Prime Minister:
- Kim Campbell
Male Prime Ministers:
- John Alexander Macdonald
- Alexander Mackenzie
- John Abbott
- John Thompson
- Mackenzie Bowell
- Charles Tupper
- Sir Wilfrid Laurier
- Sir Robert Laird Borden
- Arthur Meighen
- W.L. Mackenzie King
- Richard Bedford Bennett
- W.L. Mackenzie King
- Louis Saint Laurent
- John G. Diefenbaker
- Lester B. Pearson
- Pierre Elliott Trudeau
- Joe Clark
- John N. Turner
- Brian Mulroney
- Jean Chrétien
- Paul Martin
- Stephen Harper
- Justin Trudeau
Female Premiers:
- Alison Redford
- Rachel Notley
Male Premiers:
- Alexander C. Rutherford
- Arthur L. Sifton
- Charles Stewart
- Herbert Greenfield
- John E. Brownlee
- Richard Reid
- William Aberhart
- Ernest Manning
- Harry Strom
- Peter Lougheed
- Don Getty
- Ralph Klein
- Ed Stelmach
- Jim Prentice
- Jason Kenney
British Columbia
Female Premiers:
- Rita Johnston
- Christy Clark
Male Premiers:
- John McCreight
- Amor De Cosmos
- George Walkem
- Andrew Elliot
- Robert Beaven
- William Smithe
- A.E.B. Davie
- John Robson
- Theodore Davie
- John H. Turner
- Charles Semlin
- Joe Martin
- James Dunsmuir
- Edward Prior
- Richard McBride
- William John Bowser
- Harlan Brewster
- John Oliver
- John McLean
- Simon Fraser Tolmie
- Duff Pattullo
- John Hart
- Byron Johnson
- W.A.C. Bennett
- Dave Barrett
- Bill Bennett
- Bill Vander Zalm
- Mike Harcourt
- Glen Clark
- Ujjal Dosanjh
- Gordon Campbell
- John Horgan
Female Premier:
- Heather Stefanson
Male Premiers:
- Alfred Boyd
- Marc-Amable Girard
- Henry Joseph Hynes Clarke
- Robert Atkinson Davis
- John Norquay
- David H. Harrison
- Thomas Greenway
- Hugh John Macdonald
- Rodmond P. Roblin
- Tobias Crawford Norris
- John Bracken
- Stuart S. Garson
- Douglas L. Campbell
- Dufferin Roblin
- Walter Weir
- Edward Schreyer
- Sterling Lyon
- Howard Pawley
- Gary Filmon
- Gary Doer
- Greg Selinger
- Brian Pallister
New Brunswick
Female Premier:
Male Premiers:
- Peter Mitchell
- Andrew Wetmore
- George King
- George Hatheway
- James Fraser
- Daniel Hanington
- Andrew Blair
- James Mitchell
- Henry Emmerson
- Lemuel Tweedie
- William Pugsley
- Clifford Robinson
- John Douglas Hazen
- James Kidd Flemming
- George Clarke
- James Murray
- Walter Foster
- Peter Veniot
- John Baxter
- Charles Richards
- Leonard Tilley
- Allison Dysart
- John McNair
- Hugh Fleming
- Louis Robichaud
- Richard Hatfield
- Frank McKenna
- Ray Frenette
- Camille Thériault
- Bernard Lord
- Shawn Graham
- David Alward
- Brian Gallant
- Blaine Higgs
Newfoundland and Labrador
Female Premier:
- Kathy Dunderdale
Male Premiers:
- Joey Smallwood
- Frank D. Moores
- Brian Peckford
- Tom Rideout
- Clyde Wells
- Brian Tobin
- Beaton Tulk
- Roger Grimes
- Danny Williams
- Paul Davis
- Dwight Ball
- Andrew Furey
North West Territories
Female Premiers:
- Nellie Cournoyea
- Caroline Cochrane
Male Premiers:
- Frederick W.A.G. Haultain
- George Braden
- Richard Nerysoo
- Nick Sibbeston
- Dennis Patterson
- Don Morin
- Jim Antoine
- Stephen Kakfwi
- Joe Handley
- Floyd Roland
- Bob McLeod
Nova Scotia
Female Premier:
Male Premiers:
- Charles Tupper
- Hiram Blanchard
- William Annand
- Philip Carteret Hill
- Simon H. Holmes
- John Thompson
- William T. Pipes
- William S. Fielding
- George Henry Murray
- Ernest H. Armstrong
- Edgar N. Rhodes
- Gordon S. Harrington
- Angus L. Macdonald
- Alexander S. MacMillan
- Harold Joseph Connolly
- Henry Davis Hicks
- Robert Stanfield
- George I. Smith
- Gerald Regan
- John Buchanan
- Roger Bacon
- Don Cameron
- John Savage
- Russell MacLellan
- John Hamm
- Rodney MacDonald
- Darrell Dexter
- Stephen McNeil
- Iain Rankin
- Tim Houston
Female Premier:
- Eva Aariak
Male Premiers:
- Paul Okalik
- Peter Taptuna
- Paul Quassa
- Joe Savikataaq
Female Premier:
- Kathleen Wynne
Male Premiers:
- John Sandfield Macdonald
- Edward Blake
- Oliver Mowat
- Arthur Hardy
- George William Ross
- James Whitney
- William Howard Hearst
- Ernest Charles Drury
- George Howard Ferguson
- George Stewart Henry
- Mitchell Hepburn
- Gordon Daniel Conant
- Harry Nixon
- George Drew
- Thomas Kennedy
- Leslie Frost
- John Robarts
- Bill Davis
- Frank Miller
- David Peterson
- Bob Rae
- Mike Harris
- Ernie Eves
- Dalton McGuinty
- Doug Ford
Prince Edward Island
Female Premier:
- Catherine Callbeck
Male Premiers:
- James C. Pope
- Lemuel C. Owen
- Louis Henry Davies
- W.W. Sullivan
- Neil McLeod
- Frederick Peters
- Alexander B. Warburton
- Donald Farquharson
- Arthur Peters
- Francis L. Haszard
- James Palmer
- John A. Mathieson
- Aubin E. Arsenault
- John H. Bell
- James D. Stewart
- Albert C. Saunders
- Walter M. Lea
- James D. Stewart
- William J.P. MacMillan
- Thane A. Campbell
- Walter Jones
- Alexander W. Matheson
- Walter R. Shaw
- Alexander B. Campbell
- Bennett Campbell
- Angus MacLean
- James M. Lee
- Joseph A. Ghiz
- Keith Milligan
- Pat Binns
- Wade MacLauchlan
- Dennis King
Female Premier:
- Pauline Marois
Male Premiers:
- Pierre-Joseph-Olivier Chauveau
- Gédéon Ouimet
- Charles Boucher de Boucherville
- Henri-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière
- Joseph-Adolphe Chapleau
- Joseph-Alfred Mousseau
- John Jones Ross
- Louis-Olivier Taillon
- Honoré Mercier
- Edmund James Flynn
- Félix-Gabriel Marchand
- Simon-Napoléon Parent
- Lomer Gouin
- Louis-Alexandre Taschereau
- Adélard Godbout
- Maurice Duplessis
- Paul Sauvé
- Antonio Barrette
- Jean Lesage
- Daniel Johnson Sr.
- Jean-Jacques Bertrand
- Robert Bourassa
- René Lévesque
- Pierre-Marc Johnson
- Daniel Johnson Jr.
- Jacques Parizeau
- Lucien Bouchard
- Bernard Landry
- Jean Charest
- Philippe Couillard
- François Legault
Female Premier:
Male Premiers:
- Walter Scott
- William M. Martin
- Charles A. Dunning
- James G. Gardiner
- James Anderson
- William J. Patterson
- Thomas C. Douglas
- Woodrow S. Lloyd
- Ross Thatcher
- Allan E. Blakeney
- Grant Devine
- Roy Romanow
- Lorne Calvert
- Brad Wall
- Scott Moe
Female Premier:
- Pat Duncan
Male Premiers:
- Chris Pearson
- Willard Phelps
- Tony Penikett
- John Ostashek
- Piers McDonald
- Dennis Fentie
- Darrell Pasloski
- Sandy Silver
Acting premiers are not included in any of the lists. But they were all men too.